Topic: all things video game

Posted under General

treos said:
well, that was some interesting info though it does leave me curious as to why sega would intentionally damage anyone sound systems like that. i mean, what would they stand to gain from something like that which was clearly done on purpose?

It doesn't damage them. They just don't want you putting their discs into CD players.

Protip: If you have a PS1 game that stores its music in the Red Book format, you can play its music on a CD player as if it were a music CD. Works with other CD-based consoles as well.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
It doesn't damage them. They just don't want you putting their discs into CD players.

Protip: If you have a PS1 game that stores its music in the Red Book format, you can play its music on a CD player as if it were a music CD. Works with other CD-based consoles as well.

I did that with the old frogger game.

Some older games took advantage of it and played songs depending on the track of whatever cd was in there.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Protip: If you have a PS1 game that stores its music in the Red Book format, you can play its music on a CD player as if it were a music CD. Works with other CD-based consoles as well.

well, i already knew about that. my old castlevania: symphony of the night disc is messed up and won't work right in the inverted castle (huzzah for emulation!) but it still plays that sweet sounding music on track 2.

that might've been one of the best surprises i ever found on a game cd and it sounded awesome when i first tried doing that. :)

actually...i think sega cd and maybe even dreamcast games also did that when the games were using that red book audio format.

edit: well, that was a fun game. that final boss was not an unpleasant change to the plot and, he was a lot tougher to beat than i thought he'd be. what with using the same weapons as you unlock throughout the game.

well, i guess i can check out this challenge mode and whatever this "Insomniacs Museum" thing is.

they did a good job with this reworked version of the original game and i think it turned out nicely.

though i must say, ratchet looks a lot less...human now. i like it but it's quite different from what i remember. he looks a lot more like an anthro now with the elongated facial structure and all. i guess it's...more realistic looking.

i do have one question though. this Dr. Nefarious... was he from the movie? cause he only really appeared right at the end and just through everything for a loop. quite the plot twist they did with him.

Updated by anonymous

Alex Mauer: Restraining Order and more DMCA strikes

careful if you upload anything related to the game, River City Ransom Underground. she's going after that game too now.

and firing her attorney and making claims of harassment afterwards... girl's crazy.

still, we can always keep hoping this mess results in something positive happening regarding all that copyright stuff.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
oh, great... well, i got that Prodoomer mod downloaded but

1. it didn't have a readme file included (dumb)

and 2. it is a .pk3 file which i haven't the slightest idea how to run. i got it from that ZDOOM forums site so i guess i use that? this forum thread for the mod has next to no info on it (not. very. smart!) and that's where i found the MEGA download for it.

i guess i use this GZDOOM thing for it?

well, off i go to do research on how to use this thing and... why do forums sometimes do this?

"I'm a giant floating sphere, I'm everyone's favorite, and a baby version of me is a plush toy. What am I?:
This question is a means of preventing automated form submissions by spambots."

it's also a question you would either have to guess at or research the franchise for the answer. what, can't give a simple math question or something?

also, baby cacodemon...there's a disturbing image to think about.

edit: *sigh* "ZDoom forums has a system in place in which new users' (and Guest posters') first posts will be invisible until a moderator approves them."

why can't all forums be as user friendly as e621's from the start? a simple, basic registration method and no further hoops to jump through just to post on the site.

Oh, of course "everybody" loves the cacodemon. It's got a pussy on its sprite!

Updated by anonymous

stalkerd said:

Tooth and Tail looks like a furry age of empire / red alert

with a grim plot of hunger, who will eat who?

it kinda reminds me of the canceled game Animal Wars.

cool and lol @ the top comment. i'm guessing that guy either doesn't play video games that much or just not many RTS games.

edit: sony goofed and bad news for SNES Mini scalpers

and plenty of korean police raid resulted in... counterfeit pokemon plushies... going to claw grabber machines.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
cool and lol @ the top comment. i'm guessing that guy either doesn't play video games that much or just not many RTS games.

Top comment?

the game does look good, I like the art style too

Updated by anonymous

stalkerd said:
Top comment?

the game does look good, I like the art style too

Jacob Harold: "it's an interesting thing. it is. however, I feel as if no one will like it because it's not the bright clash of clans, and it's probably a game that requires foremost thought, which a majority of gamers lack when it comes to artistic things."

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
Jacob Harold: "it's an interesting thing. it is. however, I feel as if no one will like it because it's not the bright clash of clans, and it's probably a game that requires foremost thought, which a majority of gamers lack when it comes to artistic things."

Yeah thats a odd comparing...
it sounds like he's saying gamers are getting more stupid
and don't like them harder or any good games anymore,
when it's the creators or company that made them that way.

not if he's being sarcastic

Updated by anonymous

stupid site... why can't they use any download links that work with download managers? and for that matter, resumable download links. i only got lucky with that strive for power game because it managed to download before timing out...after several attempts. eith it downloads all in one go or not at all.

i was going to try that app thing they have but, predictably, the download failed before finishing and those links never work with JDownloader.

the apps download link? this

i copy/paste that into JDownloader and...nothing. it can't catch the link, nothing comes from the link scan it does when you copy/paste a link. how does a website like that even work these days with the download links setup like that?

i was going to see what other games i might be able to find on there but that idea's been squished by the bad download link setup they use.

edit: no, wait...looks like JDownloader did get that link to work while i had it minimized but the 2 files it found have the same file name and file size so i don't know which (or if they're both) 32-bit or 64-bit.

edit2: wow, i just found a solution to a problem microsoft could solve.

to anyone who has ever run into the "the action can't be completed because this file is opened in windows explorer" issue with a file or program try this: [Solution]:-The action can't be completed because the file is open in Windows Explorer

and it works because i just had to deal with that to get rid of that partial app download that failed.

yes, microsoft, there IS a solution to that problem and it doesn't involve downloading some program or closing explorer.exe then bring up the CMD window. you just kill the explorer process then browse and find the file in question via task manager and the "browse" function when you click the "start new task" button, delete the file causing the problem, then restart explorer.

7+ years with that problem going unresolved... shame on you, microsoft!

granted, this is naught but a workaround but still... it's better than what they suggested you do.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
stupid site... why can't they use any download links that work with download managers? and for that matter, resumable download links. i only got lucky with that strive for power game because it managed to download before timing out...after several attempts. eith it downloads all in one go or not at all.

The link I got was.

By copy download link in Firefox.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
The link I got was.

o_O the web page:

the download now link at the top:

that's what i got from right-click > copy link location.

oh and it sounds like the SJWs are getting desperate when it comes to censoring video games. Censoring Japanese games at the source

edit: hmmm...



odd...i think i just solved why it looks like part of the link gets cut off whenever i post one without using the DText. it's this thing here that causes the problem. ":"

it's that's undying punctuation graphical bug. the rest of the link works fine when you remove the http: or https: part despite there being other punctuation such as periods or ?'s in the link but : in particular cuts it off until you refresh the page.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
oh and it sounds like the SJWs are getting desperate when it comes to censoring video games. Censoring Japanese games at the source

Sometimes I wonder whether their goal is to make games less offensive or make people not want to play games. Given that games of all kinds are competitive by nature and SJWs probably don't like competition because losing might hurt someone's feelings, I'm leaning towards the latter. That and a lot of the "games" made by them aren't actually games.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Sometimes I wonder whether their goal is to make games less offensive or make people not want to play games. Given that games of all kinds are competitive by nature and SJWs probably don't like competition because losing might hurt someone's feelings, I'm leaning towards the latter. That and a lot of the "games" made by them aren't actually games.

If you're wondering what the ultimate goal is, I have the answer for you.
SJW's are actually double agents for the far right, and their job is to make the left look bad.
Once the left is destroyed, the SJW's will retire to opulent mansions in the Caribbean.

And there's something in the water that makes kittens gay.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
If you're wondering what the ultimate goal is, I have the answer for you.
SJW's are actually double agents for the far right, and their job is to make the left look bad.
Once the left is destroyed, the SJW's will retire to opulent mansions in the Caribbean.

And there's something in the water that makes kittens gay.

don't tell me you buy into that "chemicals in the environment turn people gay" bullshit. and double agents to make them look bad? lol they don't need that kind of help for that to happen.

spare us the conspiracy theory BS.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
don't tell me you buy into that "chemicals in the environment turn people gay" bullshit. and double agents to make them look bad? lol they don't need that kind of help for that to happen.

spare us the conspiracy theory BS.

I'm pretty sure he's joking. Plus from what I've heard, that chemtrails thing supposedly turns male frogs female or something. I have no idea if that's actually true or if chemtrails are even a thing.

Updated by anonymous

On an unrelated note: Any of you play several games where you can make a character to represent you and have a habit of making that character the same kind of character every time? I tend to make my character a swordfighter almost every time when the option is available and sometimes have to force myself to make something else (playing as a female arbalist in Etrian Odyssey 3 worked out surprisingly well).

Updated by anonymous

*sigh* this is unbelievably stupid...

found another game i was gonna try on but this time the download links are javascript links which means the "right-click > copy link location" method doesn't work at all. so there's absolutely no way for me to download the game.

honestly, that has to be one of the dumbest websites i have ever come across.

ARK: Survival Evolved price increase

tch...removed from gamefly queue.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
*sigh* this is unbelievably stupid...

found another game i was gonna try on but this time the download links are javascript links which means the "right-click > copy link location" method doesn't work at all. so there's absolutely no way for me to download the game.

honestly, that has to be one of the dumbest websites i have ever come across.[email protected]&Expires=1500099921&Signature=n%2Fz2LbaqP%2BtrLvhCQryL%2FbIE3kWqObV02g9S%2BsoYaShyuXuJf3ox3o6%2Fy0wy%2FDGiLqgiHytqnUvJALGdGQi3ZZC1Lmcmv3Kyk6um4sD807kjLMSa87MojgeE49pUYaejKT8MuFUZD54NCPtomqBOMAcfeKcBDeC5rCPUCBGIuU4=&hwexp=1500100181&hwsig=c1d195c2b539cbfb1ab628f048a4f2c8

Win64. Maybe this helps.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:[email protected]&Expires=1500099921&Signature=n%2Fz2LbaqP%2BtrLvhCQryL%2FbIE3kWqObV02g9S%2BsoYaShyuXuJf3ox3o6%2Fy0wy%2FDGiLqgiHytqnUvJALGdGQi3ZZC1Lmcmv3Kyk6um4sD807kjLMSa87MojgeE49pUYaejKT8MuFUZD54NCPtomqBOMAcfeKcBDeC5rCPUCBGIuU4=&hwexp=1500100181&hwsig=c1d195c2b539cbfb1ab628f048a4f2c8

Win64. Maybe this helps.

mmm... nope, doesn't work with JDownloader. and regarding the edit i just made to my previous post. that's what i like about guys like sidalpha and, yes, jim sterling. i can rely on them to know what games and in turn, game developers, to avoid.

edit: yep, definitely time to find a new emulation site. most major nintendo and, i just checked, sega franchises are all gone. well, the USA versions for sega which strikes me as odd...what do they have against us here in the US?

and no, they really don't stand to gain anything by doing this. aside from maybe putting more price tags on emulation.

my check of sega genesis just now: "what? even Ristar is gone? wow... didn't think that'd get hit.

Beyond Oasis... what else? the USA version of Dynamite Headdy... why do you hate the US, sega? the Ecco franchise...Golden Axe is gone...Gunstar Heroes is still here but since that too is a popular franchise, the question is for how much longer? there's also probably more gone as well."

the majority of all major popular franchises are gone. what's next? we...well, sony is already doing this with playstation and playstation 2 games so i guess that just leaves micro$.

yeah, they won't make these old games anymore but they'll gladly charge you to emulate them.

unless you're a anti-pc console fanboy/fangirl, the reasons to keep supporting these companies and giving them money is dwindling.

as for the SNES Mini thing. that's nintendo's thing. the whole artificial inflation BS.

i...think multi-region versions MIGHT be safe for now. those like The Ooze with its (Japan, USA) version.

they seem to be leaving rom hacks alone though so any translations or re-translations should be safe. well...maybe.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
mmm... nope, doesn't work with JDownloader. and regarding the edit i just made to my previous post. that's what i like about guys like sidalpha and, yes, jim sterling. i can rely on them to know what games and in turn, game developers, to avoid.

edit: yep, definitely time to find a new emulation site. most major nintendo and, i just checked, sega franchises are all gone. well, the USA versions for sega which strikes me as odd...what do they have against us here in the US?

and no, they really don't stand to gain anything by doing this. aside from maybe putting more price tags on emulation.

my check of sega genesis just now: "what? even Ristar is gone? wow... didn't think that'd get hit.

Beyond Oasis... what else? the USA version of Dynamite Headdy... why do you hate the US, sega? the Ecco franchise...Golden Axe is gone...Gunstar Heroes is still here but since that too is a popular franchise, the question is for how much longer? there's also probably more gone as well."

the majority of all major popular franchises are gone. what's next? we...well, sony is already doing this with playstation and playstation 2 games so i guess that just leaves micro$.

yeah, they won't make these old games anymore but they'll gladly charge you to emulate them.

unless you're a anti-pc console fanboy/fangirl, the reasons to keep supporting these companies and giving them money is dwindling.

as for the SNES Mini thing. that's nintendo's thing. the whole artificial inflation BS.

i...think multi-region versions MIGHT be safe for now. those like The Ooze with its (Japan, USA) version.

they seem to be leaving rom hacks alone though so any translations or re-translations should be safe. well...maybe.

They technically cannot go after rom hacks, as long as it's just the ips file. However, if it's the applied hack, that's gray territory. You're supposed to be required to burn your own roms.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
How to Get Unlimited Korok Seeds in The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild!

This will be patched faster...


Nintendo Switch music streams(.bfstm)

that Korok exploit sounds nice, but sadly I didn't have the DLC prior to this DLC since there's 900 Korok's in the entire game.

the Switch music streams are nice, I guess I have new music to put into Breath of the Wild Wii U if I felt like figuring out how to do so.

Updated by anonymous

Nintendo Switch music streams(.bfstm)

Coffey25 said:

the Switch music streams are nice, I guess I have new music to put into Breath of the Wild Wii U if I felt like figuring out how to do so.

Only two of Splatoon 2 Global Testfire streams convert with vgmstream currently. A different format, larger filesize then Splatfest demo.

Updated by anonymous

Anyone do the Splatoon 2 Splatfest demo? I thought if was pretty nice. rip miiverse, may your mixed quality live on through the ages.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Nintendo Switch music streams(.bfstm)

Only two of Splatoon 2 Global Testfire streams convert with vgmstream currently. A different format, larger filesize then Splatfest demo.

Breath of the Wild Wii U uses Bfstm files like the Switch version (I think the Switch version uses BFSTM files) so I don't really have to convert the ARMS streams to insert them into BotW through Cafiine and it should work properly, provided I have the files setup properly.

Have you tried VGAudio? it's created by the same guy who runs the SmashCustomMusic website, and it has both a Windows 10 version for you to use for whatever reason, as well as a general EXE version if you do not run Windows 10, although I am not sure if it works on Wine yet, as I currently have Linux installed to any of my hard drives.

Updated by anonymous

first off, no. i am not advocating or telling how to cheat in this post. simply speaking of the history of a game called wizardry online and what it was like. so nothing illegal to see here.

and...after what i saw in wizadry online i can safely say that you would be amazed at what can be achieved with cheat engine. and i can easily make that claim because, despite playing no role in the games ultimate demise myself, i did know at least 4-5+ of those who did wind up killing the game.

let's see... infinite HP/MP, free gold, physics manipulation, flight, walk through walls... actually, iirc one of them turned out to be the original maplestory hacker. o_O that was quite the surprising piece of info. but in the end, that really wasn't for me so a short while after that we all sorta parted ways. they were in it for the money and selling hacks and i...i'd rather just play games for fun. at least as far as online and MMO gaming goes.

plus about 90%+ of the stuff they used was vastly beyond my level of cheat engine skill. and on that note: no, even keeping all the variables and whatnot server-side will NOT keep a game safe. in fact, for those guys it seemed fairly easy to freeze/change them.

huh, that was around 3 years ago now. :/ i'd very much like to see a similar game emerge and...survive as sony had a real good setup in that game.


for one, PKer's got a heavy punishment. in town there were guard NPCs and the town had a few main sections. 1 for normal players, 1 for PKers (aka red's), and the prison which was like a public cage in which you could visit and see the PKers who got caught and/or killed by the town guards.

anyway, there was no real need for admin or moderator intervention when it came to keeping the town safe because unless you were good at sneaking (similar to metal gear) around the guards you couldn't even enter the normal part of town for shops or anything. cause once a guard spotted you, you were pretty much done for cause the others in the area would also be after you. it was harsh but fair.

outside of town, however, in the dungeons..out there everyone was free game though i don't remember there ever being all that many big killing sprees.

the monsters looked awesome, the dungeons were all setup just like a wizardry game. everything was great and fun. buuut...then eventually it died...or rather got killed. such a shame but then again, it also lacked a large player population to keep it afloat too. :(

i guess that happens with MMOs sometimes. not all of them can survive and endure.


as far as that hacking problem goes though. let that be a lesson: nothing and i mean NOTHING is unhackable if it's any form of file and/or program. if the programmers and developers can access it then so can hackers. even if everything is stored on a server, there's always a way in.

Updated by anonymous

Coffey25 said:
Breath of the Wild Wii U uses Bfstm files like the Switch version (I think the Switch version uses BFSTM files) so I don't really have to convert the ARMS streams to insert them into BotW through Cafiine and it should work properly, provided I have the files setup properly.

Switch sound format is little endian, so bit different then Wii-U.

Updated by anonymous

"Extreme NES Repairs: NES And Games Found Rotting In Barn For 20 Years "Barntendo"":

this ain't no repair job, this is a ressurection! and whoee, that is one yellow NES. i guess the fire retardant chemicals in the casing really went to work on this one over the years.

edit: Destructoid drops the ball

nope, the alex mauer drama still hasn't ended.

article is in the description.

Updated by anonymous

Updated by anonymous

in Darksiders II: Deathinitive edition: *finishes killing a group of enemies* ......? wait, i killed all of them and there's no event so why's the ground still shaking? *starts looking around* o_O why is the ground shaking?! *turns around* is that that a fucking chest rising out of the ground like a castlevania game? what the fuck...? *checks chest* ...wut...? a DLC lol armor set? wth?

they hid the Makers DLC armor set in a castlevania style hiding spot! that came out of nowhere. lol never would i have expected such a reference in this completely unrelated game.

hslugs said:
Used to be a pretty common trick with noisy peripherals.

o_O i think i've found a version of that theme i like. partly because that's actually kinda cool that you can do something like that.

man, computers sure are a lot quieter now. well, the hardware is. *cue the PC's fans going into jet mode again* lol well, most of the time PC's are quiet now. until you start doing something resource intensive and the fans start sounding like a jet engine starting up.

Updated by anonymous

Splatoon 2 music lists:

Splatoon 2 Global Testfire


Splatoon 2: Splatfest World Premiere


Splatoon 2 Global Testfire
files: 12
size: 111 MB
44100/48000 Hz

Splatoon 2: Splatfest World Premiere
files: 43
size: 156 MB
44100/48000 Hz

Updated by anonymous

well, i was going to try out that game Cryptark but...

"can not find a direct3d device that supports the xna framework hidef profile"

that hidef profile shit can get F'ed.

furballs_dc said:

Splatoon 2 music lists:

Splatoon 2 Global Testfire


Splatoon 2: Splatfest World Premiere


Splatoon 2 Global Testfire
files: 12
size: 111 MB
44100/48000 Hz

Splatoon 2: Splatfest World Premiere
files: 43
size: 156 MB
44100/48000 Hz

BrawkBRSTMs3 X - "splatoon 2 extended music": " This video contains content from Nintendo, who has blocked it on copyright grounds."

get f'ed, nintendo! greedy cunts...

there is no navigating this guys playlist page. there's a playlist for each game he's done music extensions for and...iirc there's well over 3-400 playlists on that channel.

legend of zelda: twilight princess...257 videos. o_O it's almost as if this guy literally eats, sleeps, and drinks nothing but video game music extensions. let's see...if each playlist is for 1 game then this guy has done music extensions least 700+ different games thus far.

edit: oh, sure...they allow the first splatoon extened music playlist. tch...

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
well, i was going to try out that game Cryptark but...

"can not find a direct3d device that supports the xna framework hidef profile"

that hidef profile shit can get F'ed.

BrawkBRSTMs3 X - "splatoon 2 extended music": " This video contains content from Nintendo, who has blocked it on copyright grounds."

get f'ed, nintendo! greedy cunts...

there is no navigating this guys playlist page. there's a playlist for each game he's done music extensions for and...iirc there's well over 3-400 playlists on that channel.

legend of zelda: twilight princess...257 videos. o_O it's almost as if this guy literally eats, sleeps, and drinks nothing but video game music extensions. let's see...if each playlist is for 1 game then this guy has done music extensions least 700+ different games thus far.

edit: oh, sure...they allow the first splatoon extened music playlist. tch...

Nintendo doesn't want their music leaked by dataminers.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
well, i was going to try out that game Cryptark but...

"can not find a direct3d device that supports the xna framework hidef profile"

that hidef profile shit can get F'ed.

BrawkBRSTMs3 X - "splatoon 2 extended music": " This video contains content from Nintendo, who has blocked it on copyright grounds."

get f'ed, nintendo! greedy cunts...

there is no navigating this guys playlist page. there's a playlist for each game he's done music extensions for and...iirc there's well over 3-400 playlists on that channel.

legend of zelda: twilight princess...257 videos. o_O it's almost as if this guy literally eats, sleeps, and drinks nothing but video game music extensions. let's see...if each playlist is for 1 game then this guy has done music extensions least 700+ different games thus far.

edit: oh, sure...they allow the first splatoon extened music playlist. tch...

they allow the first Splatoon soundtrack because it's been out for 2 years, while Splatoon 2 still has yet to release.

Furrin_Gok said:
Nintendo doesn't want their music leaked by dataminers.

tfw I played Breath of the Wild a day before it's release thanks to a leaked english build out there somewhere.

Updated by anonymous

if there is one, might one of you know where i could find a Landstalker (genesis game) themed resource pack for minecraft? (1.10 or older would work)

edit: or was it 1.8 i was thinking of? not sure. i think it was the first version to add those underwater buildings i was thinking of.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:

Huh. A new Wii-U update. 5.5.2

Patches the browser exploit(And only it, not the others...) as well as have some new text.

"The Miiverse service has ended. Miiverse and any software features that make use of Miiverse are now unavailable."

oh no, an update, how will I use Haxchi with the DNS...
in all honesty, I wonder if they just patched the browser exploit, or there's an update to the DS emulator hidden away somewhere in those files...

Updated by anonymous

Coffey25 said:
oh no, an update, how will I use Haxchi with the DNS...
in all honesty, I wonder if they just patched the browser exploit, or there's an update to the DS emulator hidden away somewhere in those files...

Was only the browser exploit. :V

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Was only the browser exploit. :V

oh thank goodness, does this mean I still have access to Haxchi if I installed it over Tfw To Intelligent DS?

Updated by anonymous

Coffey25 said:
oh thank goodness, does this mean I still have access to Haxchi if I installed it over Tfw To Intelligent DS?

Yup. This has some different topics which should help.

Edit: Oooh!

I was wondering what this was about.

Edit 2: More Switch Gamecard info.

binding of isaac Switch cart dumped.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Yup. This has some different topics which should help.

Edit: Oooh!

I was wondering what this was about.

Edit 2: More Switch Gamecard info.

binding of isaac Switch cart dumped.

Just updated my Wii U to access online without that NNU patcher, both Haxchi and Mocha CFW work, so I can still play Breath of the Wild as well as Smash 4 as I pirated the DLC for both games and want to play them.

I'm wondering why this forum always end up messing up my post's formatting...

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
We Followed Real Life Coordinates We Found in Get Even

shame it didn't lead to anything worthwhile but it was interesting nonetheless.

A Super Nintendo (SNES) Floppy drive?! How does it WORK?

o_O never heard of a snes floppy disc drive. this thing's actually pretty useful.

If i remember correctly, the game Hong Kong 97 supposedly used Super Famicom floppy disks to run as Nintendo would never greenlight such a game, as well as this floppy disk drive being outright illegal in at least Japan due to these drives allowing easy access to Super Famicom piracy I believe.

furballs_dc said:
News Wave! - Nintendo Switch Lines In Japan Are Getting Crazy!

3000 people waiting in line(But only 250 Switches in stock)?!

Splatoon 2 Nintendo Switch ► Review

I want a Switch real badly yet the only games available on the Switch I like I already have for the Wii U and Switch, except for Splatoon 2.

Updated by anonymous

Coffey25 said:
do the numbers represent hex numbers? the only hacking I understand is 3DS hacking, and some Wii (not Wii U hacking, I haven't really done too much research on the Wii U's hacking scene) hacking stuff.

Yup, copy to hex editor and save. =^.^=

Updated by anonymous

God damn. Creative Assembly is REALLY good at making awesome trailers.

Kinda surprised Norsca (daemon-worshipping vikings who hunt monsters) are getting added to the game. They were basically a footnote in Warhammer lore, just the tribes that the Chaos Warriors recruit from and some cheap, expendable Marauder units. Never had an official army list, so its awesome to see CA actually making that. Plus it gives me hope for Kislev, Tilea, Estalia, and Chaos Dwarfs.


Updated by anonymous

allow me to introduce the titans of minecraft and... Witherzilla

even the weakest of these could kill you in creative mode (yes,, i don't how.)

older video with the mods creator talking about it... gods...minecraft videos and the youtubers who make them truly are the cringiest thing i have ever come across.

how that guy could think having all that music playing so loud in the background while they were talking was a remotely good idea is beyond me.

Updated by anonymous

Mega Maker the Super Mario Maker for Mega Man Games & Mega Man Movie Reaction - AlphaOmegaSin

well, i guess it's something new even if it is copying super mario maker. i wonder how ROM hackers feel about this news.

and a mega man movie? not a fan movie (which wasn't bad but it wasn't particularly great either. they did a good job with the funding and resources they had.).

hmmm... trailer... nevermind. they must've only just announced it so i guess it's too soon for any trailers. oh well

edit: 5:32 oh, so it's a fan game? then yes, it is time to start waiting to see how long a C&D takes to come along.

-_- they nuked the ROMs to force people into buying legacy collection 2. the ONLY reason MMX: Corrupted hasn't had any problems from capcom is because, iirc, they have capcoms written consent from years ago. if it weren't for that, that project likely would've been C&D'd years ago. it is a known fact that almost NO fan project is EVER safe from these greedy ass companies wrath.

i've seen several big time fan projects get shut down over the years.

a 3d remake of chrono trigger? Nintendo: C&D!

Streets of Rage Remix? SEGA: C&D!

what was it...that one fan community project to make mega man legends 3 after capcom blamed the fans for shutting down the project? well, no C&D that i remember but it was a decent sized project and still died off.

Updated by anonymous

Dirty Devs: The 200 Dollar Indie

and here's the steam page if you're curious about that negative reviews and comments this scum has gotten. (yes yes, i know the whole "don't insult others" rule and whatnot but it applies when it comes to people like this developer. can't deny that.)

Updated by anonymous