Topic: all things video game

Posted under General

furballs_dc said:

Only ExeFS and RomFS though. No update data. So no 1.0.0 system data to poke through anytime soon...

Edit: Decrypted data.

Edit 2:

Let's Try Out Voice Chat With Splatoon 2 And The Nintendo Switch App!

Splatoon 2 - Sturgeon Shipyard Turf War Gameplay VS Chuggaaconroy! (Nintendo Switch)

Nintendo Switch Online App Impressions DISCUSSION - SplatNet 2, Voice Chat, & Problems

I'm wondering who actually thought that the entire design process of the Nintendo Online app, I thought it was kind of strange at first, but once we actually can use it, my interests in it just drop harder and harder every moment I even look at it.

Updated by anonymous

checking around for some resource/texture packs for minecraft based on old games and this DOOM one seems pretty good. it's for 1.8.

ZeldaCraft 1.10.x

and then i came across thos old Sonic the Hedgehog which...that's actually a bit hard on the eyes and everything kinda blends together in a mess of lines and stuff. so...not that good. if anyone knows a better one, i'm all ears. maybe something along the lines of super mario medley if it exists.

i'm trying to avoid the really hi-res or HD ones though as those tend to lag some on my laptop.

there's Mythra's Chrono trigger but that's for 1.6.4 so it's pretty old but it looks nice.

edit: oh goody... looks like the sonic the hedgehog franchises resident Edgehog now has some competition for the title of Edge Lord: Sonic Forces OST - Theme of Infinite

Sonic Forces - Enter Infinite

Updated by anonymous

Anyone got some more obscure games they've played lately? I'm a huge indie fan, been really getting into The Metronomicon and NEO Scavenger as of late. Finally getting to use my dancepad for something other than DDR.

Updated by anonymous

somefagiunno said:
Anyone got some more obscure games they've played lately? I'm a huge indie fan, been really getting into The Metronomicon and NEO Scavenger as of late. Finally getting to use my dancepad for something other than DDR.

You linked the same thing in both links.

Updated by anonymous

somefagiunno said:
Anyone got some more obscure games they've played lately? I'm a huge indie fan, been really getting into The Metronomicon and NEO Scavenger as of late. Finally getting to use my dancepad for something other than DDR.

Not indie, but I've been playing Shiren the Wanderer as of late, the Super Famicom version. Very classic Japanese roguelike. I really feel that it's one of the best 'classic' style roguelikes out there, with great production values, and some really inventive mechanics and enemy designs fused with solid pacing and a unique progression system. Possibly my favorite SNES game.

As far as Indie games go I picked up Curse of Crescent Isle DX, fun but very short (took about 90 minutes to beat) platformer that's based on the style of Doki Dokie Panic/SMB2USA and adds some neat new mechanics to it. Fun but lacking in polish. Also bought NEO Scavenger on sale recently, but yet to play it, though I've heard all manner of good things.

Updated by anonymous

gewdon said:
Not indie, but I've been playing Shiren the Wanderer as of late, the Super Famicom version. Very classic Japanese roguelike. I really feel that it's one of the best 'classic' style roguelikes out there, with great production values, and some really inventive mechanics and enemy designs fused with solid pacing and a unique progression system. Possibly my favorite SNES game.

Doesn't that use the Mystery Dungeon format like the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games?

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
You linked the same thing in both links.

hECK, I fixed it, thanks.

gewdon said:

Shiren is great! I haven't played it recently but I loved them when I went through the series a few years back.

NEO Scavenger is basically a hobo simulator for 90% of the gameplay, and its hardcore as hell. 65 hours in and I'm doing a lot better in my runs, but I still sometimes get screwed and end up dying a few minutes in. Lots of neat stuff though.

BlueDingo said:
Doesn't that use the Mystery Dungeon format like the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games?

Yep, made by Spike/chunsoft in fact, same guys who do the PMD games. Pretty similar in terms of gameplay.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Doesn't that use the Mystery Dungeon format like the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games?

Sort of. It had a linear set of dungeons, rather than letting you take on missions and choosing which dungeon to go into. Being a roguelight, you'd go back to the first town and dungeon upon dying, and your inventory and level get reset, but story progress and warehouses are kept. Dying is expected, as well, as you need to visit the same towns several times to advance the town's internal story, unlocking new stock for shops as well as new companions to journey with.

Updated by anonymous

If you can make
A RPG Game with RPG Maker
what game would you make?

Updated by anonymous

stalkerd said:
If you can make
A RPG Game with RPG Maker
what game would you make?

The one I'm actually working on right now. Key differences being that status ailments are not just cured with an item, it's a game over if ANYONE dies, and the stats are based on Reality Ensues. A teenager is going to have below average physical stats and abysmal mental stats. A child will be bad enough you should probably never use them at all, and using them anyway even once locks them out of all good endings.

Maybe have the narrative change depending on the person you are playing as. One character has AvPD, so when playing as them, the narrative will be insulting toward you, second guessing everything you do, always implying it was a mistake, and outright calling you out for things that you know for a fact you are not at fault for.

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
The one I'm actually working on right now. Key differences being that status ailments are not just cured with an item, it's a game over if ANYONE dies, and the stats are based on Reality Ensues. A teenager is going to have below average physical stats and abysmal mental stats. A child will be bad enough you should probably never use them at all, and using them anyway even once locks them out of all good endings.

Maybe have the narrative change depending on the person you are playing as. One character has AvPD, so when playing as them, the narrative will be insulting toward you, second guessing everything you do, always implying it was a mistake, and outright calling you out for things that you know for a fact you are not at fault for.

Sounds interesting
and hard, don't want to call it dark souls like
but a... it's easy to mess up kind a game.
Is this horror base?

Updated by anonymous

man, watchdogs 2 has some expensive pixels (DLC).

Mega Pack (costume and other cosmetic stuff): $19.99
Supreme Pack: $14.99
Ultimate Pack: $19.99
Guts, Grit, and Liberty Pack: $12.99

and most individual cosmetic DLV is either $4.99 or $6.99

a number of them say "unavailable" so those could stand to be taken off the DLC menu. that's similar to something i see in cheat websites. they have pages for games but some pages don't have any info on the game at all. it's like, what's the point in even having the page up at all?

there's also a few free DLC but...actually just 1 and of course, it's cosmetic stuff. someone must've been feeling greedy. ain't no way i'd pay even $5 for some pixels. actual content that's worth the money, maybe, but not pixels that are only there for looks.

well, DLC aside, this game seems to be focused more on social media and getting followers to download the deadsec app and give you their processing power to help take down Blume. well, that's what i've seen so far anyway.

edit: eh, i'll play this more tonight once the heat passes and that giant ball of hate in the sky goes down. no point in cooking my PS4.

edit2: But can it run Doom? A brief history of installing DOOM on everything.

the fuck? you can run DOOM on a fucking ATM machine... a printer...a freaking PRINTER! granted, it looks like the graphics turned into pixelated vomit on the prnter port but still...a printer...

seriously...a watch? wtf?

3:50 ok, now that's just ridiculous.

4:30 um...what even is that device?

5:12 o_O what? lol

sounds to me like DOOM is similar to dragons. dragons being living primordial ooze which can breed with pretty much anything you throw at 'em (inanimate OR living...or maybe even undead *shudder*) and DOOM being...a universal game that can be ported to anything electronic.

classic Megaman in DOOM!

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
edit2: But can it run Doom? A brief history of installing DOOM on everything.

the fuck? you can run DOOM on a fucking ATM machine... a printer...a freaking PRINTER! granted, it looks like the graphics turned into pixelated vomit on the prnter port but still...a printer...

seriously...a watch? wtf?

People put Tetris on just about everything as well.

treos said:

4:30 um...what even is that device?

I think it's an ultrascan.

Updated by anonymous

ok! now to see what this DOOM megaman thing is like.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
ok! now to see what this DOOM megaman thing is like.

Like Metroid Prime, but brighter and cuter.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Like Metroid Prime, but brighter and cuter.

Except it's Doom, so it's darker and grimmer.
Ultimately it balances out to Metroid Prime.

I've seen the Metroid one, but not the Megaman one. Looking into it now.

Updated by anonymous

both's just megaman and oh wow is the MMVI wily fight epic! you start off with a marathon fight against 40 different robot masters in a row then a huge 4 phase showdown with the colossal robot, Gamma, piloted by wily himself.

and now for MMVII... yep, that means Bass and Duo... i wonder what VIII will be like or, if they event went that far with this game, IX and X.

oh and beware the Mega Man Killers... wily wars... they are not easy. especially the 3rd one uh... enker > punk > what was the 3rd ones name? oh ballad?

and there's the mega man clone from the original game who fights you multiple times too.

overall, it's a good game.

oh and beware the orange devil! >.> yeah, they went and put that nightmare as the first wily boss. :/

Updated by anonymous

in watchdogs 2... i am completely lost as to what i'm supposed to be doing. i think this game is entirely non-linear and the only thing i know that is plot related is that i'm supposed to be getting followers on social media. and...that's it.

the driving side quest (minigame?), the scouting thing, even the dedsec missions are all... at least there was a storyline you could follow which was linear while pretty much everything else in the game was entirely non-linear in the first game. in this games case however, it lacks even that.

if all i need to do for the plot is continue to get followers then i can just sit around repeating this driving mission where i have to drive this pot head spouting movie quotes over and over. it's tedious but it works.

the random hacker stuff where you hack peoples phones or stop them from hacking yours is now just stopping them i think. and early on i triggered a dedsec mission i haven't bothered to finish where my phone got infected with a virus. o_O a zombie virus! sometimes when listening in on other people my phone says braaains! or moans at me. if that's not a required plot related mission i might leave it unfinished as i kinda like the sound of a random zombie virus going off like that. lol

seriously though, anyone know what i'm supposed to be doing in watchdogs 2? aside from the social media follower thing i mean as that seems to work like a exp system for advancing research and unlocking new abilities.

Updated by anonymous

Treat it like it's Grand Theft Auto for a bit and see if anything interesting happens.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Treat it like it's Grand Theft Auto for a bit and see if anything interesting happens.

i never played much of any grand theft auto game so i don't really know what that would imply.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
i never played much of any grand theft auto game so i don't really know what that would imply.

Try the missions for a few minutes, get bored and kill everything in sight.

Updated by anonymous

got a bit of info on sonic mania's opening animation here

sounds like the same animator who did the intro/outro animations of sonic cd will be doing them for mania too.

and around the length of sonic 3 & knuckles...impressive. that means this game will have plenty of content to go through and explore. :)

edit: huh, looks like i've reached the end of this version of that megaman doom mod. after the fight with Duo and the 2 following wily stages is a scene that simply repeats and when you view that scene at light's lab (map select) it says unavailable.

whoever that mystery robot was, i don't recognize him from MM8 but it seems like he's the robot duo was chasing in order to destroy the evil energy in the original MM8 game. whoever he is, he's quite powerful as he drained the energy of 8 robot masters at the same time so he's no pushover.

edit2: An update on the Alex Mauer DMCA Debacle

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
old yet interesting to hear about.

o_O haven't heard of this one before.

why i hate trolls... asshole. try to sell me something like that and i'd be back demanding a refund.

edit: It May Be Possible to Beat Paper Mario in 1 Minute

Unless they're selling the cartridge with the advertisement of good save files, you should be buying it to start a new game. You won't get a refund just because of "These pre-existing files can't be played until I delete them, which I am perfectly capable of doing!".

Updated by anonymous

managed to beat the sonic the hedgehog DOOM mod last night. the final boss fights are pretty good though metal...or should i say, Hyper Metal Sonic (yep, that's which model of metal was used. :)) is pretty challenging.

to hit Metal, you first need to get him near a wall then try to attack him at which point he'll zoom out of the way leaving a trail of pink after images (just like in that old sonic the hedgehog movie). once he does that you have to quickly turn, find him, then attack him while hes dazed.

as for egg-er...robotnik... lol say hello to Metal Robotnik! minus the flying. i don't think he can do that.

now, i'm left wondering several things. 1. what happens if you get all 7 chaos emeralds in this mod? super form is the obvious result to expect but maybe an extra boss or something?

2. all of those little card things with wings found throughout the lvls. what happens when you collect all of those...all in a given lvl?

and 3. is it at all possible to get the altitude needed to hit robotnik in the castle zone boss fight? maybe sonic and knuckles get different altitudes from that rotating ring thing that throws you. with tails i had to do that move where you hit him from below with your tals to hurt him because i was impossible to reach him otherwise.

overall, a good game that looks quite nice and has no real performance issues anywhere. just mind your speed is my advice as it can be tricky (especially when using sonic).

Updated by anonymous

Linus just posted this 16K build log, and I'm just wondering just how great Runescape 3 would be with 16K resolution...

furballs_dc said:
News Wave! - Splatoon 2 Released...And Crashed The Nintendo Switch eShop!


The Soap Cake


Edit 2:

we also got the Nintendo Switch TrustZone code!

the Soup Cake is my favorite video in your post.

Updated by anonymous

well, i went through and checked what dedsec missions i had in watchdogs 2 and there WAS a plot related mission that wasn't unlocked yet.

the requirement to unlock said plot related mission? amass millions of followers... i don't think so. off to gamefly you go. cause i don't feel like sitting around a sandbox doing minigames and other stuff until the main story just decides to begin.

i think i was upt somewhere in the 12-18k follower range...and i need millions? yeah, no, that ain't happening.

oh well, maybe this time gamefly will send me one of those 3 games sitting at the top of my queue.

Updated by anonymous

Anyone remembers MDK?

one of my favorite strange shooters

owned the ps1 version only tho
pc ports later on

own MDK 2 on the ps2 as well

both games kinda reminds me of Ratchet an Clank
because of the odd weapons and items you get

like the decoy item

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Best Buy Is Charging People 20 Dollars For Destiny 2 Beta! ...What?!]

sounds like a scam to me.

2:15 beta means no extra money and we all know game devs and big name publishers don't want that. well...maybe the good devs are ok with it but the not so good ones...

This $7000 Card Does WHAT?? – Holy $H!T]

"8k footage"? this guy is truly insane! i don't even want to know how much hard drive space that would eat up. forget terabytes, bring on the Fing petabyte hard drives because people like these guys have money coming out of every orifice and then some.

just wait till there's 8k streaming online one day. people like me who can't get high speed internet will probably be waiting days on end to buffer a 2-4 minute video or maybe even years if we just download it with a resumable download link and download manager.

don't try to give people like me nightmares, furball!

edit: Project Brutality - Doom Mod Madness

thanks to Furrin Gok's help, i can try this awesome mod out. :)

check out the end of the video to see the melee combat ported from the xbox360 DOOM. ^_^

Updated by anonymous

H-Doom - Doom Mod Madness

ಠ_ಠ i refuse to ever get used to people saying the letter "H" WRONG! it is pronounced fucking AYTCH like ache NOT haytch like hay! nor will i ever say it that way.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
H-Doom - Doom Mod Madness

ಠ_ಠ i refuse to ever get used to people saying the letter "H" WRONG! it is pronounced fucking AYTCH like ache NOT haytch like hay! nor will i ever say it that way.

Whats next? Bara-Doom?

Updated by anonymous

stalkerd said:
Whats next? Bara-Doom?

lol want me to check and see if that's been done yet?

and i just saw a commercial on tv for a pc game called Kingway. it looks kinda like the lunatic dawn games. though, considering it's a new game i bet there's a lot more to it the what the lunatic dawn games had going for them. well...maybe.

Discover a strange land of monsters, bandits, and other adventurers.

Choose to be good or evil by choosing to help your fellow adventurers, defeating powerful monsters, or steal and murder your way to the top.

Defeat enemies and plunder crypts and caves for treasure.

Complete Quests for extra special treasure.

Organize the interface to suit your play style.

o_O that is quite similar to lunatic dawn...

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
lol want me to check and see if that's been done yet?

and i just saw a commercial on tv for a pc game called Kingway. it looks kinda like the lunatic dawn games. though, considering it's a new game i bet there's a lot more to it the what the lunatic dawn games had going for them. well...maybe.

Discover a strange land of monsters, bandits, and other adventurers.

Choose to be good or evil by choosing to help your fellow adventurers, defeating powerful monsters, or steal and murder your way to the top.

Defeat enemies and plunder crypts and caves for treasure.

Complete Quests for extra special treasure.

Organize the interface to suit your play style.

o_O that is quite similar to lunatic dawn...

If there is any, go for it.

kinda silly ads

oh I found this

that werewolf gonna have 3d model porn
sooner or later

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
ಠ_ಠ i refuse to ever get used to people saying the letter "H" WRONG! it is pronounced fucking AYTCH like ache NOT haytch like hay! nor will i ever say it that way.

Ye wanna knock the way people talk?

We don't all speak american. People with different accents say things differently.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Ye wanna knock the way people talk?

We don't all speak american. People with different accents say things differently.

that isn't an american thing. it's some stupid thing people started several years ago that stuck and now everyone does it. and it sounds incredibly stupid when you say it that way. it makes me question the literacy of whoever does that every time i here it.

you don't say "haytch-ello" do you? no! so why would you go around saying haytch when you're saying the letter "H"?

when i say the letter "A" i say it like you would with the word "way" because that's how it's pronounced. i don't go around saying "ah" or saying it like the word "at" because that's not how it's pronounced.

so, yeah, if they can't speak properly then yes. cause it makes me question their ability to speak properly every time i here them say it that way.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
you don't say "haytch-ello" do you? no! so why would you go around saying haytch when you're saying the letter "H"?

Because people don't say the first letter of a word separately from the rest of the word. If you're saying H by itself, aitch and haitch are both valid pronunciations.

See also zee vs. zed. Americans say zee, aussies say zed. Both are correct pronunciations of the letter Z.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Because people don't say the first letter of a word separately from the rest of the word. If you're saying H by itself, aitch and haitch are both valid pronunciations.

See also zee vs. zed. Americans say zee, aussies say zed. Both are correct pronunciations of the letter Z.

but zed is a word, not a sound.

and off topic but i've got a DMail for you once i finish watching the video i've linked in it. >.> i doubt you have to guess what it's about.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
but zed is a word, not a sound.

So are zee, aitch and haitch. They're all names of letters. All letters have written names.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Because people don't say the first letter of a word separately from the rest of the word. If you're saying H by itself, aitch and haitch are both valid pronunciations.

See also zee vs. zed. Americans say zee, aussies say zed. Both are correct pronunciations of the letter Z.

don't canadians and the British also use the term Zed? it seems like Zed is the way non american english pronounces Z.

Updated by anonymous Skylar & Plux: Adventure on Clover Island this looks meh like ratchet and clank clone One Dog Story
this looks interesting Earth Eternal Feda: the Emblem of Justice
a old snes rpg that have anthros in them Captain Claw
Man this game is kinda old and fun
kinda like your ganmpa's Dust: An Elysian Tail.
but not so fancy or no rpg elements
Won't mind a remake of Captain Claw

Updated by anonymous

stalkerd said: Earth Eternal

you know, i think that game may still exist but under a different title. i played it for a bit once but unfortunately, to say it was mostly lacking in player population would be a bit of an understatement. :(

decent potential as a furry focused, if generic, MMORPG. the character models looked pretty good and there was a good variety of different species to choose from. i don't remember the name but the version i played might still be around.

well, it's not the one i played, i don't think, but here's a fan run server called "The Anubian War"; that's about all you're likely to get since the offical EE game is long since dead. there's probably just some fan servers floating around so it still exists, just not in official form.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
you know, i think that game may still exist but under a different title. i played it for a bit once but unfortunately, to say it was mostly lacking in player population would be a bit of an understatement. :(

decent potential as a furry focused, if generic, MMORPG. the character models looked pretty good and there was a good variety of different species to choose from. i don't remember the name but the version i played might still be around.

well, it's not the one i played, i don't think, but here's a fan run server called "The Anubian War"; that's about all you're likely to get since the offical EE game is long since dead. there's probably just some fan servers floating around so it still exists, just not in official form.

it kinda reminded me of Kingsley's Adventure (a zelda 64 clone)
but been upgraded.
I saw the characters and they looked good in design
but yeah it seems it could been a better mmo

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
SNES Classic Pre-Orders Cancelled - Walmart Screwed Up Bad - AlphaOmegaSin

and...i think i just found out why sega was going around nuking games off the internet when nintendo was doing that as well.

Sega Mega Drive Classic

i guess sega wants a piece of the emulation profits now too.

sorry, sega...nintedo... but i've had enough of you guys.

I don't know about the Sega Mega Drive Classic...
I own the sega gopher and it's by the same makers
and their emulations are not 100% good

I'm hoping they upgraded it...
because the last models
the audios are not perfect so the games sounded off
and all game don't run 100% very well too
as they don't boot up, have controlling issues or they look glitchy

Mostly their consoles run 90 to 99 percent of all games "perfectly"
like I said hope they upgraded their hardware and software.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
SNES Classic Pre-Orders Cancelled - Walmart Screwed Up Bad - AlphaOmegaSin

and...i think i just found out why sega was going around nuking games off the internet when nintendo was doing that as well.

Sega Mega Drive Classic

i guess sega wants a piece of the emulation profits now too.

sorry, sega...nintedo... but i've had enough of you guys.

I mean... Technically, they're in the right here. They own the copyrights so they have the right to stop piracy of their games.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
I mean... Technically, they're in the right here. They own the copyrights so they have the right to stop piracy of their games.

that's not what pisses me off about this. they stopped making these games years ago. the only thing they're doing now is charging people to emulate roms of the games and that's what pisses me off about this situation.

it's like what they say about nintendo and their "virtual console" thing. they only consider piracy a bad thing unless they profit from it. with the virtual console they're basically pirating their own games by selling you copies of the roms.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
that's not what pisses me off about this. they stopped making these games years ago. the only thing they're doing now is charging people to emulate roms of the games and that's what pisses me off about this situation.

it's like what they say about nintendo and their "virtual console" thing. they only consider piracy a bad thing unless they profit from it. with the virtual console they're basically pirating their own games by selling you copies of the roms.

That's not what pirating means. They own the rights to the games, so they are the only ones allowed to sell "new" copies. That's exactly what they're doing.

Piracy is obtaining a "new" copy of something that you don't own the rights to.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
that's not what pisses me off about this. they stopped making these games years ago. the only thing they're doing now is charging people to emulate roms of the games and that's what pisses me off about this situation.

You can download them all you want once they become public domain. As long as the copyright owner is still around, they can continue charging people for their product no matter how long ago they made it and they are allowed to prevent free copies of their products from being distributed.

Updated by anonymous

So Splatoon 2's pretty fun. It's kinda scary how there are already level 20+s after less than a week of launch. Also once again, there's an amiibo drought. If you want to win, just pick a aero spray; New and interesting weapons aren't allowed to be fun unless they fire like a hose with your thumb on half the muzzle. People who like pixel art are going to love the new drawing system... after they sign up for a facebook/twitter they won't use ever again, draw with their index finger on the touchpad for two seconds before going "Uh uh!" and wearing out their joy-con d-pad after making a perfect rendition of Trump as a Squid. rip miiverse. I haven't even touched the co-op mode because the entrance is too spooky. Story mode is basically Splatoon 1 spread out and way better. The new character designs are fun and interesting to look at (except for Pearl who got the short end of the stick and Marina does it all) all-the-while having characters from Splatoon 1 come back in a new and memorable way. The music sort of blends in with Splatoon 1 when they brought in new music (That's mostly because they just remixed old ones with a few new ones, so you wouldn't notice). The controls are odd... Like with the Roller, if you jump you can land longer more precise hits, while giving up the widespread chaos it used to have; It's so second nature to get height before splashing whatever's in front of you, that I can barely use it. Rolling with the Dualies is fun, although challenging and not for every situation, but if someone has a fully automatic, it's almost pointless. The hitboxes can be laggy and even make Hanzo blush, but it's semi-rare for it to become a frequent issue. Connection issues are still as present as in the first game, so enjoy decimating a team of 2 snipers and question why you still live in this existential nightmare when 1 teamate leaves and you get spawn capped. Character customization is pretty neat and more will most likely come out with more in future updates, so there is no longer just an 'orange' and 'blue' Inkling design. I'd prolly rate it a Woomy/10 because actual numbers are for IGN, and people that actually played the game fully.

Updated by anonymous

used a video showing a list of all the games included in the sega genesis classic for this list (it was from last year but i'm fairly certain the name difference between that and the mega drive mini is just a regional difference).

Games taken down:

Alex Kidd
Alien Storm
Altered Beast
Bonanza Bros.
Comix Zone
Decap Attack
Fatal Labyrinth
Golden Axe
Golden Axe II
Golden Axe III
Kid Chameleon
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Phantasy Star (likely the entire franchise like with Sonic)
Phantasy Star II
Phantasy Star III
Phantasy Star IV
Shadow Dancer
Shinobi III
the entire Sonic the Hedgehog franchise save for betas and romhacks/translations
The Ooze
Vectorman Vectorman 2

not taken down:

Arrow Flash
Columns III
Eternal Champions
Gain Ground
Jewel Master
Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat 2
Mortal Kombat 3
Sword of Vermillio

you can say all you want to try and defend them regarding copyright. the $ price isn't worth the loss imo.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:

used a video showing a list of all the games included in the sega genesis classic for this list (it was from last year but i'm fairly certain the name difference between that and the mega drive mini is just a regional difference).

Games taken down:

Alex Kidd
Alien Storm
Altered Beast
Bonanza Bros.
Comix Zone
Decap Attack
Fatal Labyrinth
Golden Axe
Golden Axe II
Golden Axe III
Kid Chameleon
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Phantasy Star (likely the entire franchise like with Sonic)
Phantasy Star II
Phantasy Star III
Phantasy Star IV
Shadow Dancer
Shinobi III
the entire Sonic the Hedgehog franchise save for betas and romhacks/translations
The Ooze
Vectorman Vectorman 2

not taken down:

Arrow Flash
Columns III
Eternal Champions
Gain Ground
Jewel Master
Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat 2
Mortal Kombat 3
Sword of Vermillio

you can say all you want to try and defend them regarding copyright. the $ price isn't worth the loss imo.

they also took down some PS2 and I think some PSP games as well. thank goodness that other sites exist...

EDITED to remove mention of Rom site names just to be safe.

Updated by anonymous

Coffey25 said:
they also took down some PS2 and I think some PSP games as well. thank goodness that other sites exist...

uh...dude? you do know that one rule when it comes to ROMs, right? don't ask or talk about where they can be found...least not in public like outside of PMs... if you made a post like that in the thread about this takedown situation on EP, then your post would get a swift edit from a moderator or admin.

note: this post is the first i've made with even the initials of such a sites name.

then again, i don't really know the staffs stance opinion of that here. what with ROMs being something of a legal gray area and all. still, better safe than sorry.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
uh...dude? you do know that one rule when it comes to ROMs, right? don't ask or talk about where they can be found...least not in public like outside of PMs... if you made a post like that in the thread about this takedown situation on EP, then your post would get a swift edit from a moderator or admin.

note: this post is the first i've made with even the initials of such a sites name.

then again, i don't really know the staffs stance opinion of that here. what with ROMs being something of a legal gray area and all. still, better safe than sorry.

sorry about that, I edited my comment to remove mention of these websites, since one of them also allow access to downloading MP3's as well...

The Doomfist update is finally out for Overwatch, well at least the PC version, I don't know when the console version gets this update. Seeing at least one Doomfist every other map should be fun for the next week...

Updated by anonymous

Doom map... Holy Hell indeed. that playthrough video is THREE HOURS LONG! O_O

i just got done exploring it and tbh, i'm not sure what the proper path through it is so i think i'll watch this video for now. it's one of the "unfolding" maps.

Updated by anonymous