
Categories: All, General, Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests, Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions, Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions, Art Talk, Off Topic, e621 Tools and Applications

Title Last Post Created Replies
NEW Tag Implication: facial_scales -> scales klorpa klorpa -1
NEW Is there a way to delete things I post? rainbowkrystal rainbowkrystal 10
NEW Top things to never do as a commison artist? Sicfuc Sicfuc 8
NEW Tag Alias: sea_star -> starfish klorpa klorpa -1
NEW [Feature] Listing the specific invalid tag in the tag history LurkingLupinoyd LurkingLupinoyd 7
NEW Perineum: What rating should it get and should we have a separate tag when it's covered? LurkingLupinoyd LurkingLupinoyd 2
NEW Tag Implication: knotted_humanoid_penis -> hybrid_penis LurkingLupinoyd LurkingLupinoyd 2
NEW Tag Alias: peachser -> bowsette (locked) Lik Lik 16
NEW EifieDraws? Ausar Ausar 4
NEW Just a small thing that could be fixed? Squishy~ Squishy~ 2
NEW ¡Ayuda! Zoruand Zoruand 7
NEW May I ask a peep for a second opinion with my Male nipple placement ╹‿╹) (Don't Worry, It's an Doodle Question ◠‿◠) Notkastar Notkastar 3
NEW Tag Alias: koopahime -> bowser (locked) darryus darryus 1
NEW Tag Implication: koopahime -> bowser (locked) hungryman hungryman 12
NEW Should we have a "bowsette" tag? FurryLover121 FurryLover121 8
NEW Tag Alias: webbed-hands -> webbed_hands LurkingLupinoyd LurkingLupinoyd -1
NEW Tag Alias: white_and_red -> red_and_white LurkingLupinoyd LurkingLupinoyd -1
NEW Tag Alias: jademere -> jademerien Millcore Millcore -1
NEW Tag Alias: pregfur -> geckoguy123456789 AlricKyznetsov AlricKyznetsov -1
NEW WildCritters is dead... can we post stuff from there to here? (locked) Silly Lil Foxcub Silly Lil Foxcub 17
NEW Tag Alias: kaboozlefa -> kaboozle ImpidiDinkaDoo ImpidiDinkaDoo -1
NEW Tag Alias: titfucking -> titfuck Untamed Untamed 0
NEW (minor) Stats page is missing Former Admin user 59725 user 59725 -1
NEW I have never posted before KodaDoggo KodaDoggo 1
NEW I do not understand how to use the dtext :/ TheRockDoggo TheRockDoggo 4
NEW Tag Implication: anubis -> egyptian_mythology OneMoreAnonymous OneMoreAnonymous 3
NEW So it seems my art was taken down for the same reason. Odd (locked) TepigFan101 TepigFan101 0
NEW [Feature] New tag category "Gender" hungryman hungryman 10
NEW Tag Implication: japanese_fire_belly_newt -> fire_belly_newt klorpa klorpa -1
NEW Tag Implication: 2_fingers -> fingers Raugh Raugh 1
NEW Tag Alias: hotdog_princess -> hot_dog_princess klorpa klorpa -1
NEW Tag Implication: dipstick_antennae -> antennae Alien Fluff Alien Fluff -1
NEW Could Some Kind Peeps Give Me Some Constructive Criticism ╹‿╹) (Video Design Advice) Notkastar Notkastar 7
NEW bitch fest Sparkmane Sparkmane 6
NEW Tag Alias: hollyhock -> hollyhock_manheim-mannheim-guerrero-robinson-zilberschlag-hsung-fonzerelli-mcquack hungryman hungryman 3
NEW Tag Alias: 狼の翼 -> sillywolf OneMoreAnonymous OneMoreAnonymous -1
NEW Tag Implication: giant_anteater -> anteater 1nsane 1nsane 1
NEW Post Removed without being notified jojobizad jojobizad 5
NEW am I gay if I like futas??? _insertbettername _insertbettername 38
NEW [Feature/Denied] Blacklist doesn't work with set metatags (locked) hungryman hungryman 1