
Categories: All, General, Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests, Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions, Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions, Art Talk, Off Topic, e621 Tools and Applications

Title Last Post Created Replies
NEW How Do 'You' Handle Burn out? What Are Some Ways You Relax, Dood? TheGreaterClaush Notkastar 9
NEW Uploading content from Patreon if the artist's Patreon is defunct? Donovan DMC suteebaid 5
NEW My Sudden Exposure to Fluffy_pony ... alphamule Sammy301 8
NEW Sound effects dba afish Kemrel Walker 1
NEW Looking to get cub comms, any go to artists or communities? MkLXIV Skyler0w0 5
NEW Why so many great arts get very low upvote/favorite? MkLXIV jonathanwolf 21
NEW SheezyART 2.0 AlexYorim AlexYorim 5
NEW Artists: What was the worst thing you've been commissioned to draw? (Or outright say NOPE) The-Gnoll-Scribe The-Gnoll-Scribe 2
NEW If a post gets rejected for quality issues, what's the proper way to fix those issues and get it approved? druss hb EEEEEvil ESTK 7
NEW Coloring the art of a deceased artist alphamule Furrycheetah 4
NEW My block list- whats yours? page 4 WarHugo Nosret 264
NEW Drawing "parts" [NSFW] fluoroantimonia fluoroantimonia 2
NEW Can anyone please help me find art for Gallopin' Gals(1940) druss hb azdy67 1
NEW Do you prefer an unwilling partner or an active partner? CrocoGator WeiBilin 2
NEW Is there a way to find some porn i lost Wolfmanfur Cock'N'Roll 5
NEW My first forum post Strikerman blackccatz 8
NEW When is the right time to host a YCH after doing a few number of commissions? AlexYorim AlexYorim 1
NEW Need some oc KoredeX KoredeX 0
NEW Anyone know any anime artist on this website? Bananafan Bananafan 0
NEW Too Blurry For Approval? furrymaster6 furrymaster6 0
NEW Micro/Macro and/or foot-fetish BDAnimare Rixoli 1
NEW I'm taking a request for an oc pony [NSFW]. Azero DrawAlaverr 2
NEW Ass or tiddies? michaelwave1997 sillyman357 52
NEW Does this meet quality standards for uploading here? GreenLui Heatwave 2
NEW I sketch what you suggest fastfart Pineathyl 46
NEW Patreon and Ko-fi Questions - Using them as a Tipjars and Repository for Challenges Tarrgon AlexYorim 6
NEW Does anyone know what happened to Sachidog? dba afish Kyuubinaruto18 3
NEW Marvin the martian from duck dodgers counts as human? alphamule Kriasoulstealer 11
NEW I lost the image (it may have been deleted) Dripen Arn zxcghool 7
NEW What site/payment processor will allow furry porn? AnimalitoDelBosque Grey Scale Dragon 9
NEW What program do a lot of furry artist use anyway? alphamule Gayfur 13
NEW art ideas/what should I draw? NavysBlues NavysBlues 10
NEW Where to find nsfw sound effects holy-side MMHorrors 7
NEW Questions on Patreon and Ko-fi, and their alternatives alphamule AlexYorim 5
NEW can someone help me find the full image (locked) Cinder Cunkerfard 2
NEW Art site to grow recognition Erutama Tlapa 19
NEW Art takedowns: Artist vs. Commissioner CatBytes Neodisher 13
NEW Fur affinity and this site are general furry art sites, right? user 1278266 Fancyseeingyouhere 8
NEW Sketching traditionally vs digitally m3g4p0n1 AlexYorim 2
NEW Con DNP artist posted lower resolution than publicly available dba afish Mdf 5