
Categories: All, General, Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests, Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions, Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions, Art Talk, Off Topic, e621 Tools and Applications

Title Last Post Created Replies
NEW 'predation_vore tag?' Or am i misremembering Gyro FlatIsJustice 3
NEW Tag implication: digital_sketch -> sketch I'llKogYourMaw I'llKogYourMaw 2
NEW Artist = username search? user 7121 Ygbah 3
NEW [Feature] Regular Expressions in note searches Lafcadio Lafcadio 0
NEW Are the monotone and two tone tags getting out of control? Is it worisome? I'llKogYourMaw user 271734 5
NEW Suggestion to require people who downvote to leave a comment (locked) Millcore thecapedmanlloyd 24
NEW Uploaded Image with a high file size, how do I replace with a smaller one? Ijerk Noveltwin 8
NEW Footprints in the BUR | Footprint BUR Watsit user 271734 3
NEW Where to appeal discord ban? (locked) Rainbow Dash musky-moth 1
NEW [REJECTED] Tag alias: jesus_y -> jesusy Binagon LogicallySpring 6
NEW [REJECTED] Tag alias: starryprince_(artist) -> starryprince bitWolfy OneMoreAnonymous 3
NEW Gherwinh typo fix Furrin Gok ShadyGuy 4
NEW Tag alias: oral_pretzel -> daisy_chain wat8548 wat8548 2
NEW Tag alias: CandyUmbry -> Fluorings Rainbow Dash Millcore 1
NEW Tag alias: trash-wizard -> Stonedsow auto moderator ScaredyGoat 2
NEW [REJECTED] Tag alias: ekkokenight -> kenight_(artist) auto moderator broly3443 3
NEW [REJECTED] Tag alias: toiny -> simpleopposum auto moderator Jota the fox 6
NEW [APPROVED] Tag alias: impenna -> penna auto moderator impenna 1
NEW [REJECTED] Tag alias: wyndigo -> wyntersun auto moderator Sableye 3
NEW Tag alias: Thomas_Donverg -> esacosaverde auto moderator esacosaverde 1
NEW [REJECTED] Tag alias: duzt -> colrblnd auto moderator OneMoreAnonymous 2
NEW [REJECTED] Tag alias: hoot_(artist) -> puppymachine auto moderator dangitusernames 7
NEW Tag alias: magister -> bigbakunyuu auto moderator Sableye 3
NEW Tags searching help! How to specify who does what action? Lafcadio DannyBomb 1
NEW [REJECTED] Cupheaded Objects [BUR] auto moderator ClosetPossum 5
NEW alias scribbles -> sketch | BUR spe user 271734 10
NEW My posts keep getting deleted.. help? (locked) KiraNoot user 1005041 2
NEW Tag alias: popparotzi -> falvie Strikerman OneMoreAnonymous 6
NEW Tag alias: xxowlflightxx -> kelliker bitWolfy ListerTheSquirrel 1
NEW Open your eyes and see, you'll see | Open Eyes Invalidation BUR Furrin Gok user 271734 7
NEW [Feature] Make the last search clickable bitWolfy Teskanir 2
NEW Tag Alias: sun_rays -> crepuscular_rays auto moderator USBees 2
NEW Tag Alias: sunrays -> crepuscular_rays auto moderator USBees 0
NEW [REJECTED] Tag alias: light_rays -> light_ray auto moderator user2003 3
NEW [APPROVED] Service Top and Power Bottom are NOT the same thing, and should not be aliased. auto moderator Kurin 1
NEW Tag implication: rubber_suit -> rubber_clothing auto moderator user 700724 3
NEW [APPROVED] technicolor_yawn BUR Rainbow Dash spe 2
NEW [APPROVED] Tag alias: oviicula19, omniicores24 -> omnii34 auto moderator Alien Fluff 1
NEW [APPROVED] colored_line_art in meta? auto moderator user 860811 3
NEW [APPROVED] Delicious in Dungeon BUR auto moderator gattonero2001 3