
Categories: All, General, Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests, Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions, Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions, Art Talk, Off Topic, e621 Tools and Applications

Title Last Post Created Replies
NEW poor use of the "virgin" tag fewrahuxo fewrahuxo 1
NEW Tag Implication: stitch -> experiment_(species) Alien Fluff Alien Fluff 4
NEW [Feature] Pools unmodified after 2* months turn inactive JAKXXX3 JAKXXX3 4
NEW naked_* tags Circeus Circeus 3
NEW "nude clothed" - what to do? fewrahuxo fewrahuxo 6
NEW Tag Alias: commission-mission -> alexaxes Cat-in-Flight Cat-in-Flight -1
NEW Tag Alias: sugarr -> slovenskiy Granberia Granberia -1
NEW avoiding description abuse - or, what is it good for? fewrahuxo fewrahuxo 12
NEW Looking for source on this, ran it through all the reverse image searches but came up empty onewolf onewolf 6
NEW what is "super_gay" anyway? fewrahuxo fewrahuxo 13
NEW financial_domination or findom Mantikor Mantikor 7
NEW Tag Alias: nashtm -> iguky-neky DelurC DelurC 0
NEW appropriateness of "syndrome" and "disorder" tags fewrahuxo fewrahuxo 0
NEW charging to post comments gerbilcheeks gerbilcheeks 44
NEW Tag Alias: healthbar -> health_bar pewdiecrustlesspie pewdiecrustlesspie 0
NEW Images deleted for "Does not meet minimum quality standards"... (is this fair?) NihiloEvie NihiloEvie 17
NEW Icon/ Avatar Memes collection? Where? GazapoDeMuerte GazapoDeMuerte 0
NEW is it germane to check up on artists on the DNP? fewrahuxo fewrahuxo 7
NEW Thoughts on "Fursuiting." Notkastar Notkastar 25
NEW Help me know what you want me to draw! user 266996 user 266996 39
NEW Tag Alias: nipple_fuck -> nipple_penetration JamesPawson JamesPawson -1
NEW Who's Making These Ads...? Nathmurr Nathmurr 45
NEW appropriate use of sarcastic English-correcting tags fewrahuxo fewrahuxo 0
NEW Tag Alias: qnrhks0627 -> mellonsoda Bobcat Bobcat -1
NEW Apparent implication problems O16 O16 6
NEW Tag Implication: tender_taps_(mlp) -> friendship_is_magic user 59725 user 59725 -1
NEW I came across the full Morgana comic translated... Powie Powie 0
NEW Tag Alias: angel_(disney) -> angel_(lilo_and_stitch) Alien Fluff Alien Fluff 1
NEW Tag Implication: sun_bear -> bear O16 O16 0
NEW Tag Implication: top_cat -> top_cat_(series) meowmcmeow meowmcmeow 0
NEW Looking for probably wrong tagged image hellbeast321 hellbeast321 6
NEW Is anyone good doing XXX 3D Models? stalkerd stalkerd 8
NEW Any way to download tag/pool data for deleted images Username12 Username12 3
NEW Help with this pic plz!! HappyBadger9 HappyBadger9 5
NEW The forced_partners Tag user 10500 user 10500 4
NEW [Feature] Add the wmode='direct' tag FallowWing FallowWing 2
NEW A tag for "cub" and "young" characters with no sexuality cereal catslut cereal catslut 23
NEW [Feature] Change letter X (x) in post size to dimension sign (×) fewrahuxo fewrahuxo 1
NEW Tag Implication: plump_camel_toe -> camel_toe Luxus Luxus 7
NEW Tag Implication: plump_camel_toe -> plump_labia Fluff Puff Fluff Puff 5