
Categories: All, General, Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests, Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions, Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions, Art Talk, Off Topic, e621 Tools and Applications

Title Last Post Created Replies
NEW Tag Implication: pointing_at_another -> pointing Ninosi Ninosi -1
NEW pool question: what name for pool where comic has three different names? ListerTheSquirrel ListerTheSquirrel 0
NEW Adding an "and" function to blacklisting (locked) CuriousCurse CuriousCurse 7
NEW [Feature/Implemented] Insert a space when editing (locked) leomole leomole 16
NEW [Feature/Implemented] Locked Tag History (locked) Furrin Gok Furrin Gok 0
NEW Tag Alias: nontoxo_(artist) -> nontoxo SadPandaInSnow SadPandaInSnow 0
NEW [Bug/Fixed] (Issue #658) Tag scripting and other modes broken (locked) Genjar Genjar 11
NEW [Feature/Implemented](Issue #564) "Ticket Claim" feature (locked) Scrydan Scrydan 0
NEW [Feature/Implemented] Add a delete button for notes on the note history (locked) NotMeNotYou NotMeNotYou 6
NEW Tag Alias: anatomically_correct_genitalia -> anatomically_correct Ryu Deacon Ryu Deacon 27
NEW [Bug/Fixed] /help/posts links to /help/users instead of /help/accounts (locked) perlatus perlatus 0
NEW [Feature/Implemented] Move the "Respond" button for dmails below the contents of the dmail NotMeNotYou NotMeNotYou 0
NEW [Feature/Implemented] Detect resolution of images uploaded from URL (locked) Lance Armstrong Lance Armstrong -1
NEW [Bug/Fixed] Clicking the dmail respond button multiple times fucks up the input NotMeNotYou NotMeNotYou 0
NEW [Feature/Denied] Making Random Order more like Shuffle (locked) bananadank bananadank 5
NEW [Feature//Implemented](Janitor+) Enable the "Child posts" frame on images that have deleted children NotMeNotYou NotMeNotYou 3
NEW What is your browsing "habit"? qazxcftgbhujm qazxcftgbhujm 16
NEW Unprofessional Moderation (locked) Nativus Nativus 2
NEW Looking for cow hybrid post.(FOUND) user 311505 user 311505 1
NEW What is your favorite fanfiction in the Zootopia Univers Humanity above all Humanity above all 12
NEW Thumbnail Highlighters for 'animated' Posts (userstyle snippets) user 166084 user 166084 1
NEW Tag Implication: dot_warner -> animaniacs g273435d g273435d 0
NEW RIP Kitsune's amazing art (locked) Mysterie Mysterie 25
NEW How influential would you say Lucario was on the Furry Community? Notkastar Notkastar 8
NEW Tag Alias: fuglybastard -> lucidpariah auto moderator Untamed 0
NEW Warframe vs. Tenno (*WARFRAME SPOILERS*) Random Random 7
NEW Tag Implication: cow_print -> animal_print Dyrone Dyrone -1
NEW Tag Alias: elatedsceptre -> nerfocalypse auto moderator Furrin Gok 0
NEW Tag Alias: circle_jerk -> circlejerk user 68974 user 68974 0
NEW Tag Implication: wakko_warner -> animaniacs g273435d g273435d -1
NEW Tag Alias: epicguitar -> potoo_brigham ListerTheSquirrel ListerTheSquirrel -1
NEW Tag Alias: living_insertion -> vore auto moderator anonymousanalogue 5
NEW Tag Alias: half_portrait -> half-length_portrait BlueDingo BlueDingo 0
NEW Tag Alias: highchair -> high_chair auto moderator meowmcmeow 3
NEW Feedback on the quality of this drawing? AlbineFox AlbineFox 7
NEW Upload Limit ea657 ea657 0
NEW Tag Implication: mega_manectric -> mega_evolution Pepperyena Pepperyena 6
NEW Tag Implication: leopard_gecko -> gecko O16 O16 1
NEW Tag Alias: thelandofooo -> oooeygoooey auto moderator Ninosi 0
NEW Tag Alias: up -> invalid_tag O16 O16 3