
Categories: All, General, Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests, Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions, Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions, Art Talk, Off Topic, e621 Tools and Applications

Title Last Post Created Replies
NEW Can artist's be renamed? Clawstripe Eszet 3
NEW It's crazy how good furry art has gotten in the last 15-20 years Deciem CombatWombat 15
NEW Going to my favorites page now brings me to a search of my favorites? MandaTestMan MandaTestMan 4
NEW Thoughts on the E621 tagging tutorial vid I did a while back Hexdragon Hexdragon 0
NEW Locked -lynel tag on post #2555458 Watsit monroethelizard 8
NEW [APPROVED] Tag alias: kyaru_(princess_connect) -> kyaru_(princess_connect!) auto moderator NarcolepsyStorm 1
NEW [APPROVED] Tag alias: arms_under_breasts -> arm_under_breasts auto moderator Dedari 1
NEW [REJECTED] Tag alias: cock_vore -> penile_vore auto moderator yFlash 6
NEW [APPROVED] Tag alias: adira_(twokinds) -> adira_riftwall auto moderator Googlipod 2
NEW [APPROVED] Tag alias: imaginarydragon -> aethrus auto moderator TheGreatWolfgang 1
NEW Tag alias: laika_(vydras) -> Laika_horse auto moderator LaikaCatt 2
NEW Tag alias: mass_effect_andromeda -> mass_effect:_andromeda auto moderator DracoBengali86 1
NEW [APPROVED] Tag alias: x-com_2 -> x-com auto moderator Furrin Gok 1
NEW [REJECTED] Tag alias: leopard_spots -> rosettes auto moderator PB Poltergeist 3
NEW Regarding the MWB flag (Edited) InBodypen InBodypen 2
NEW Tag alias: jack_(captain_nikko) -> Jack_McKinley auto moderator LoboBobo 1
NEW [APPROVED] Tag alias: scruff_biting -> scruff_bite auto moderator Iago1 1
NEW post order in sets Clawstripe nanomecho 1
NEW [APPROVED] Tag alias: siansaar -> carniscorner auto moderator user 123556 1
NEW [REJECTED] Tag alias: monstercheetah -> excitedcargoyle auto moderator dangitusernames 1
NEW [APPROVED] Tag alias: zarla-s -> zarla auto moderator OneMoreAnonymous 2
NEW [APPROVED] Tag alias: purity -> auntymoira alphamule Hurr Durr 4
NEW [APPROVED] Tag alias: sepia_(artist) -> abigfathen auto moderator bbqrules 1
NEW [Feature] Have artist linking do stuff furrypickle Millcore 11
NEW Does blacklist only work for search? chicken222 chicken222 3
NEW Invalid page number. Log ID: (none) faucet Drag007 1
NEW Problem with "Anthro dominating human" tag wat8548 kurou- 2
NEW What gives e621 the name of e621? Lance Armstrong Andrey 12123 12
NEW How do YOU find new artists to follow? VotP Natsukarrow 2
NEW Locked -lynel tag on post #2555458 monroethelizard monroethelizard 0
NEW Which tags are the most well-liked (correlated with upvotes and favorites)? Benjiboyo boobstrap 4
NEW [REJECTED] Tag alias: derangedrake -> pyreythedragon auto moderator user 123556 1
NEW Now deleted text based flash game Khyan Khyan 2
NEW Can I follow an artist? juicyjoober369 juicyjoober369 3
NEW Why is there no way to report/flag images that should have been deleted by the janitors, but were instead approved? darryus wat8548 12
NEW Issue with mobile Hekd Hekd 1
NEW Undeletion Request? alphamule Benjiboyo 6
NEW Alternate Outfit Tags? bitWolfy Charles Bon 1
NEW New artist tag error bigballsextreme bigballsextreme 0
NEW Suggestion for the Post Report page Earlopain SexyGriffon 2