
Categories: All, General, Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests, Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions, Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions, Art Talk, Off Topic, e621 Tools and Applications

Title Last Post Created Replies
NEW Can't we just go a day without farting furries on e6? (locked) furrypickle Moonbase-boi 1
NEW Variants/Edits limits? Clawstripe Ucumarrey 3
NEW About non relevant uploads for the sake of context Clawstripe Ucumarrey 4
NEW asking artists on Twitter if they have art on other art website(s) (in case Twitter goes poof) Wolfmanfur EarthFurst2 3
NEW Gay artist recommendations abadbird PMFieryFlakes 8
NEW Why the negative/indifferent votes on my recent art posts? AnimalitoDelBosque Verkonos 17
NEW Who still uses an old version of art programs? alphamule AlexYorim 6
NEW What do people who like aeromorph think of Fleet Girls? WeiBilin WeiBilin 0
NEW How long it takes to start from 0 to make some 3D furry porn? Any suggestion for beginners? m3g4p0n1 watchdog22 4
NEW Is Twitter still good for exposure? LendriMujina Daleport996 10
NEW Digital art tips and questions Inafox electricitywolf 10
NEW How to tell if an art is AI generated Inafox icereavers 20
NEW The future of art on Twitter, and Twitter Alternatives page 2 Strikerman AlexYorim 92
NEW In regards to Lalafell & Small 18+ People Tag (locked) bitWolfy ClosetPossum 48
NEW Some art needs to be translated. Moonbase-boi Moonbase-boi 3
NEW (RESOLVED) Need help finding a specific piece of art Azero user 1393402 3
NEW Could I/Should I robotify this character more? LouLouGale LouLouGale 3
NEW Minnie Mouse 'swimming' pic Mvindo Mvindo 2
NEW How do i apply for autoapproved art? TheGreatWolfgang Zer0Rebel4 5
NEW About bases upp artemis tsukino 10
NEW For a site for "archival" of furry content, y'all sure know how to make someone feel rejected wherever he goes. (locked) bitWolfy Anonymous furry6969 4
NEW FurAffinity news Leotheairwolf ListerTheSquirrel 22
NEW Inkbunny banned my account unexpectedly Dripen Arn user 1394721 32
NEW I NEED HELP!!! (locked) gattonero2001 GobMediator 1
NEW multiple pics taken down for not meeting quality standards...? idontlikethisgame clownglider 13
NEW upload edited chikn nuggit ads? Dripen Arn Dripen Arn 3
NEW artist Jailbird's furaffinity "pending deletion" ListerTheSquirrel ListerTheSquirrel 4
NEW AI Art and 3D art Lance Armstrong AlexYorim 3
NEW FurAffinity news: custom banners for people's userpage and gallery pages EarthFurst2 EarthFurst2 0
NEW Any good sites to post NSFW art on? Hausemaster Bingbingo 1
NEW Art trades question LendriMujina AlexYorim 6
NEW Just got my first sea of thieves Commission user 2930 XurSynth 1
NEW Help finding an Artist/Oc Clawstripe MilfInspector 3
NEW sorry about the trace art XurSynth XurSynth 2
NEW About commission slots? AlexYorim AlexYorim 5
NEW anatomically "accurate" female scalies user 1330939 user 1330939 3
NEW some deactivated DeviantArt accounts still potential source of art ListerTheSquirrel ListerTheSquirrel 0
NEW Yet another Pixiv Doompost cumwizard Benjiboyo 2
NEW Character Commission Question: Nondescript Characters and Payment Demesejha AlexYorim 2
NEW why do people downvote something to hell instead of blacklisting alphamule Raikai66 17