
Categories: All, General, Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests, Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions, Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions, Art Talk, Off Topic, e621 Tools and Applications

Title Last Post Created Replies
NEW "Emo" needs work Knotty Curls Knotty Curls 10
NEW Images from games Mairo Strikerman 10
NEW could the real "bunker" please step forward? treos treos 1
NEW Proposal: splitting the herm tag user 22273 user 22273 44
NEW Consoles and peripherals Mairo Mairo 32
NEW Should herm and maleherm be tagged with girly? (locked) BrightFoxEclipse BrightFoxEclipse 0
NEW Bit of a tagging issue AtomicCat AtomicCat 3
NEW Cuntboys shouldn't be tagged with girly as well right? BrightFoxEclipse BrightFoxEclipse 17
NEW Feral/Bestiality used with Pokemon Neitsuke Neitsuke 39
NEW Tags for stuff in the dialogue? TheFoxWhoF TheFoxWhoF 5
NEW Tagger neuro system, will this be on this site? (locked) Hexdragon Hexdragon 4
NEW Corrin from Fire Emblem two forms Dyrone Dyrone 20
NEW What tag for a smaller-than-normal character? secondCountable secondCountable 2
NEW changing "sound_warning" from copyright tag to artist's tag fewrahuxo fewrahuxo 11
NEW Can I somehow get rid of the sidebar? Hexdragon Hexdragon 6
NEW Commission prefix ? Roseroar Roseroar 7
NEW Sex toys and ratings Granberia Granberia 16
NEW Proposal: "Spidr" species Furrin Gok Furrin Gok 14
NEW Country and Nationality tags BlueDingo BlueDingo 14
NEW [Kirby] Queen Sectonia- Spider versus Bee tagging Furrin Gok Furrin Gok 2
NEW Herny and his duck persona Nuji Nuji 2
NEW YouTube tagging Mairo Mairo 5
NEW small worries about the "suggestive" tag fewrahuxo fewrahuxo 4
NEW Tag help for showing part of a body to a partner TYFFASI TYFFASI 4
NEW defining the number of characters in an ask blog post fewrahuxo fewrahuxo 2
NEW Someone Character'd Coral Random Random 2
NEW The video_games tag is weird Strikerman Strikerman 18
NEW Gender difference designs and tagging genders (Meowstic) Neitsuke Neitsuke 25
NEW Gender tagging vent page 3 DeltaFlame DeltaFlame 182
NEW Artist's page calls him "active" when he's not. Dyrone Dyrone 2
NEW poor use of the "virgin" tag fewrahuxo fewrahuxo 1
NEW naked_* tags Circeus Circeus 3
NEW "nude clothed" - what to do? fewrahuxo fewrahuxo 6
NEW avoiding description abuse - or, what is it good for? fewrahuxo fewrahuxo 12
NEW what is "super_gay" anyway? fewrahuxo fewrahuxo 13
NEW financial_domination or findom Mantikor Mantikor 7
NEW appropriateness of "syndrome" and "disorder" tags fewrahuxo fewrahuxo 0
NEW is it germane to check up on artists on the DNP? fewrahuxo fewrahuxo 7
NEW appropriate use of sarcastic English-correcting tags fewrahuxo fewrahuxo 0
NEW Apparent implication problems O16 O16 6