
Categories: All, General, Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests, Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions, Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions, Art Talk, Off Topic, e621 Tools and Applications

Title Last Post Created Replies
NEW What tags would you consider 'essential'? Sparklepaws Sparklepaws 4
NEW Tag typing imagoober imagoober 0
NEW neighbour/neighbor tag cleanup? EarthFurst2 EarthFurst2 2
NEW solo_male tag (locked) Bellicoserhetoric Bellicoserhetoric 13
NEW Is it possible to tag an artist in a comment on one of their posts? If so how do you do that? AutisticsLoveFurries AutisticsLoveFurries 0
NEW Which to use : encasement, rubber_suit, goo_transformation or liquid_latex? Fifteen Fifteen 5
NEW Turtle tag or not. sergal239 sergal239 6
NEW Fangora Dracula pic deleted. Not allowed? TheAncientEvil TheAncientEvil 8
NEW Tagging weapon magazines imagoober imagoober 4
NEW suction_cup/suckers; mrs_wilde user 68974 user 68974 16
NEW Conditional DNP - Is 'pay content' still necessary to include? Song Song 2
NEW Pokemon: Feral/family list? SnowWolf SnowWolf 15
NEW tag format for things in specific movie (or other work) with tag including year EarthFurst2 EarthFurst2 1
NEW OC Character Redesigned Applephrans Applephrans 6
NEW What do we do about concept_art? Maxpizzle Maxpizzle 6
NEW transformation discussion supermarcopolo supermarcopolo 14
NEW Tag discussion for filled_condom OttersGonnaOtt OttersGonnaOtt -1
NEW One subtle penis, one blatant penis? secondCountable secondCountable 0
NEW presenting_condom too similar to other condom tags? Googlipod Googlipod 9
NEW Two different character tags for one character: What should be done? fv57s7bf87d76dv76dvt fv57s7bf87d76dv76dvt 0
NEW TWYS and the Current Cub Wiki (Bonus Round: Young) MagnusEffect MagnusEffect 9
NEW How to create a character tag ? Z3R0-SUIT RIDL3Y Z3R0-SUIT RIDL3Y 3
NEW What copyright tags should be on a sequel? MyNameIsOver20charac MyNameIsOver20charac 2
NEW Tagging gender in a series of images? user 145649 user 145649 1
NEW pop-tart(s) cleanup EarthFurst2 EarthFurst2 -1
NEW Regarding incest tags HarryBenson HarryBenson 1
NEW To Bump or Not To Bump? (for Tag Alias & Implication suggestions) user 187249 user 187249 3
NEW Tag question user 318014 user 318014 1
NEW Snow's Great Big Species Clean Up SnowWolf SnowWolf 12
NEW "Sequence" vs "Multiple Scenes" tags Lekkiyo Lekkiyo 0
NEW Confused about body color tagging Fluffball Fluffball 1
NEW So many posts missing gender tags. Help? Random Random 9
NEW Simple question about the "solo" tag Magenta-Magic Magenta-Magic 3
NEW The tag "Closed": The non-clickbait title: The Sequel: The Musical. SnowWolf SnowWolf 8
NEW Multiple characters with the same name from the same series Applephrans Applephrans 3
NEW Was there ever a "knot_swelling" tag? Ryukyuan Ryukyuan 22
NEW Should this be tagged penis and/or be rated explicit? MyNameIsOver20charac MyNameIsOver20charac 3
NEW Hybrid species names? SnowWolf SnowWolf 7
NEW Tag Alias/Implication Suggestions Taking a Long Time to be Approved/Denied user 187249 user 187249 18
NEW Ferals and the stuff they put on their bodies. SnowWolf SnowWolf 9