Topic: Are there any simple implications, aliases, or BURs that you want to bump back up?

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

As you may have noticed, the staff here have been on a bit of an approval spree lately in an attempt to clear out the years-long queue. This has been a very manual process so far, combing through lists, reading through everyone's messages, and hoping that there isn't anything we've missed. When there are literally thousands of aliases and implications to scroll through, though, it's not exactly the easiest process. So, I hope you folks won't mind if I crowdsource the process: are there any simple implications, aliases, or BURs that you want to bring to our attention?

By "simple", I mean any requests that don't have a lot of debate or don't require a lot of research to comfortably approve. Implicating a character to the series they're from, aliasing an artist's old name to their current name, aliasing away a typo, things like that. If you're not sure if something counts as simple, feel free to post it here anyway and we can hash things out. Otherwise, your help is much appreciated <3

Any posts you leave here with a link to a request will be edited by staff once said request is resolved, to help us with keeping track of what's done and what remains.


I (and the rest of staff) are still collecting requests individually, mind. This is just to speed things up and cover any potential gaps.

[APPROVED] alias ben_(zenless_zone_zero) -> ben_bigger (4๐Ÿ‘)

My implication requests:
[APPROVED] imply balls_shot -> balls (3๐Ÿ‘)
[APPROVED] imply penis_shot -> penis (4๐Ÿ‘)
[APPROVED] imply hello_human_resources -> meme (3๐Ÿ‘)

My BURs:
[APPROVED] Musclar tags (4๐Ÿ‘)
[APPROVED] Frankie, Joanna, and Louie Watterson (1๐Ÿ‘)
[APPROVED] bottomless_herm and bottomless_maleherm (2๐Ÿ‘)

My alias requests:
[APPROVED] alias strongfat -> musclegut (4๐Ÿ‘)
[APPROVED] alias muscular_chubby -> musclegut (7๐Ÿ‘)


Simple artist aliases:
* topic #43236
* topic #43172

Characters to copyright:
* topic #42353
* topic #42438

Simple aliases:
* topic #43092 (mouth_tail -> tail_mouth)

* topic #42697 - Precautionary epilepsy warning implications for tags involving flashing
* topic #42616 - Meme
* topic #42398 - Fixing duplicate character
* topic #42392 - Fixing incorrect character name
* topic #42351 - Implying types of Genshin slimes to the main Slime (Genshin Impact) tag

Updated by slyroon

I don't know if these are "simple" per the description above, but they all have universal approval, are logical implications/aliases, and don't really require any research

topic #42886 ALIAS feet_on_belly -> foot_on_belly (+7)
topic #40110 ALIAS prey_shaped_bulge -> body_outline (+8)
topic #42885 ALIAS caressing_balls -> ball_fondling (+7)
topic #42574 IMPLY navel pendant -> navel piercing (+4)
topic #42870 IMPLY belly_cutout -> cutout (+3)

Updated by slyroon

demonthedarkhound said:
A different type of request is this to be rejected. I don't think I even need to explain why latex_creature shouldn't be aliased to goo_creature.

maplebytes said:
I don't know if these are "simple" per the description above, but they all have universal approval, are logical implications/aliases, and don't really require any research

topic #42886 ALIAS feet_on_belly -> foot_on_belly (+7)
topic #40110 ALIAS prey_shaped_bulge -> body_outline (+8)
topic #42885 ALIAS caressing_balls -> ball_fondling (+7)
topic #42574 IMPLY navel pendant -> navel piercing (+4)
topic #42870 IMPLY belly_cutout -> cutout (+3)

Rejections, and the requests you've listed, are totally valid to bring up here. Thank you both, and thank you to everyone else so far! ๐Ÿ’–

These ones I think are the most important of any of my requests: a bad implication is way more harmful than a missing one.
* topic #41051 (sling bikinis aren't bikinis)
* topic #37856 (horseshoe crabs aren't arachnids)

Updated by slyroon

faucet said:
These ones I think are the most important of any of my requests: a bad implication is way more harmful than a missing one.

I'll definitely add those to our list, but feel free to name off any and all relevant requests here too.

strikerman said:
...feel free to name off any and all relevant requests here too.

These are the most obvious ones to me:

* topic #36525 - Bee Movie characters BUR
* topic #38450 - pesudo hair typo fix BUR
* topic #38764 - imply handjob_through_clothing -> handjob
* topic #38817 - Tito Lizzardo and Catty B characters BUR

The rest may be too controversial or require too much dicussion to be highlighted here, but I'd personally endorse the majority of my pending aliases, implications and BURs. I've generally curated them by self-rejecting anything that hasn't worked out.

Updated by slyroon



this is the only one that is not BUR.
topic #42689 - alias bound_breasts to breats_tied

topic #43278 - alias fingerless to disambiguation
(Idk one person seems to be downvoting so maybe needs some discussion?)


coffeeco said:
(Idk one person seems to be downvoting so maybe needs some discussion?)

Don't worry about it, that specific user likes to consistently downvote most BURs (or upvote if everyone else is downvoting) and not provide any explanation. Maybe a troll

wandering_spaniel said:
Don't worry about it, that specific user likes to consistently downvote most BURs (or upvote if everyone else is downvoting) and not provide any explanation. Maybe a troll

For what it's worth, hj (that user) downvotes any request that involves disambiguation tags. I'm not sure why, and it's not my place to speculate.

My BURs:

My implication requests:

My alias requests:

This BUR needs to be rejected:


Scrounged around and dug up some old slam dunks for approval.


  • topic #37986 cum_from_oral -> orgasm_from_oral
  • topic #40467 tail_penetrating -> tail_insertion
  • topic #40243 trapped_in_panties -> trapped_in_underwear
  • topic #39667 curvy_body -> curvy_figure
  • topic #37770 mind_breaking -> mind_break
  • topic #36963 love_train -> train_position (Note: I went and ensured all posts tagged love train fit train position like the original post so that this could be easy approved.)


  • topic #38803 chug_jug -> slurp_juice
  • topic #34277 button_pop -> button_(fastener)
  • topic #40054 stump_socket -> missing_limb (This one doesn't have any upvotes, but I find that it is correct for all posts in it tagged.)

(A lot of pending implications seem to have arguments of "why do we use this term in the first place", so not many slam dunks.)


  • topic #42635 remove alias denim_shorts (0) -> cutoffs (6345) (not sure why this was ever aliased)
  • topic #39691 anthro_pentrating -> anthro_penetrating (Fixing a misspelling. A little sloppy, but it will get the correct result.)
  • topic #39330 Family tags -> lore tags + age_verb/noun -> verb/noun (According to the topic, this already got approval a while ago and just needed to be posted.)
  • topic #37352 (color)_quills -> quills (QUILLS ARE QUILLS)
  • topic #37310 Embarassment -> embarassed (Remove second line and boom)

A couple of easy rejects, for good measure.

  • topic #31634 (Years old, and interactive things which are not animations could have sound so this implication is wrong.)
  • topic #33323 (Smoosh ain't comin back. Way past that by now.)

That's all I got energy for, so hope I helped.
Also, gonna shamelessly promote my own BUR while i'm at it. Suicidal topics, and not simple, but if you felt so inclined to take a look, it'd be appreciated.


nimphia said:
Everything in topic #29959 should be rejected because it's just wall after wall of duplicate implications and implications to the now defunct video_games

No, the BURs after the first doesn't contain any implications to video_games

Though sifting out the many duplicates will be much harder

snpthecat said:
No, the BURs after the first doesn't contain any implications to video_games

Though sifting out the many duplicates will be much harder

Ah, I see. Yeah, that's why I think it might just be better to scrap 'em, I might go through and see what I can salvage and just make new BURs with 'em especially since OP is gone.

nimphia said:
Ah, I see. Yeah, that's why I think it might just be better to scrap 'em, I might go through and see what I can salvage and just make new BURs with 'em especially since OP is gone.

That would be a godsend if you could. ๐Ÿ™

topic #43358 - A few more fashion style implications
topic #44144 - Neurodiversity pride symbol
topic #44174 - Copyright and species request to meta
topic #44124 - Citrus fruit
topic #44078 - Simulated traditional
topic #43950 - Move aesthetic to invalid

Copyright stuff:
topic #44149 - QSMP
topic #44129 - World of Reos
topic #43979 - Minecraft spinoffs

topic #44085 - cube_(object) -> cube
topic #43869 - feminist -> feminism
topic #43784 - unknown_character -> character_request

forum #402949 - Followup for Sega Fave

(Improved on Slocheze's BURs by aliasing away [clothing]_feral (except for fully_clothed_feral, routing [clothing]_intersex subtypes through [clothing]_intersex, and routing top/bottomless/partially/fully_clothed_[genderform] through clothed_[genderform])

Edit: Since it's been a while since I've updated this, I'm gonna rewrite it lol.

The below listed tag requests have no ongoing debate and have a mostly positive response from the community, if any response at all


Alias List

  • disproportionate_genitals -> disproportionate_genitalia - topic #41966
  • fazbear_entertainment -> five_nights_at_freddy's - topic #46078
  • moxxien_(helluva_boss) -> moxxie_(helluva_boss) - topic #54269
  • (Artist) obrienovercomes -> obrien_(artist) - topic #45622
  • (Artist) pokehidden -> onihidden - topic # 45831

Implication List


BUR List

There's more that are pending but they have ongoing debates so โ”‘(๏ฟฃะ” ๏ฟฃ)โ”

Also created a BUR per Strikerman's habit request


Post prior to 4 Jan 2025

Tossing a 'few' in there...


Honestly just copy-pasted the list I have on my profile, removing anything that has an ongoing debate.

Also created a BUR per Strikerman's habit request


topic #45028 - A lot of mutual tags under 1 BUR. There are a lot of implications included in this BUR, but they're very simple.

The below implication requests are for tags that are indicative of an orgasm occurring:

  • topic #45085 - orgasm_from_oral, regardless if it's the receiver or giver of oral, still indicates an orgasm.
  • topic #45617 - anal_orgasm (also, vaginal_orgasm is included in a follow-up comment)


I made topic #45484 a week ago. She's not a popular character, but future proofing and all.

I was also thinking of the following:

Alias dog_kobold -> japanese_kobold
Alias dog_kobolds -> japanese_kobold
Alias dog-kobold -> japanese_kobold
Alias dog-kobolds -> japanese_kobold
Alias kobold_dog -> japanese_kobold
Alias kobold_dogs -> japanese_kobold
Alias kobold-dog -> japanese_kobold
Alias Kobold-dogs -> japanese_kobold
Alias japanese-kobold -> japanese_kobold
Alias japanese-kobolds -> japanese_kobold
Alias japanese_kobolds -> japanese_kobold

The only thing I think could be a problem is that people might want the reverse, but that can be done later, I think? (I'm now to having an account.) Kobold/dog hybrids would likely have there tags aliased to hybrid anyway, so this is probably more useful. Also, plurals are a pretty easy alias.

Alias scp-โ€ขโ€ข|โ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข|โ€ขโ€ข|โ€ข -> scp-2521
Alias scp -..|.....|..|. -> scp-2521

Because why not?

One last thing. This is already in topic #45433, but a couple obvious ones:

Alias stick_legs -> stick_limbs
Alias stick_arms -> stick_limbs

Pretty self explanatory.

All 3 people who voted so far have liked the BUR, so maybe it's fine to do the rest?

made topic #39764 a while back, stuff about faces and sheaths:

alias muzzle_in_sheath -> face_in_sheath
alias snout_in_sheath -> face_in_sheath
implication head_in_sheath -> face_in_sheath

Made a BUR three months ago to remove an implication because the character tag is misspelled, and the correct spelling is already implied to the copyright. (See here.)

remove implication deliliah_(101_dalmatians) -> 101_dalmatian_street

Also had a Mickey and Friends BUR made five months ago at topic #42582.

create implication mickey_and_friends -> disney
create implication disney's_sensational_six -> mickey_and_friends
create implication mickey_mouse -> disney's_sensational_six
create implication minnie_mouse -> disney's_sensational_six
create implication donald_duck -> disney's_sensational_six
create implication daisy_duck -> disney's_sensational_six
create implication goofy_(disney) -> disney's_sensational_six
create implication pluto_(disney) -> disney's_sensational_six
remove implication mickey_mouse -> disney
remove implication minnie_mouse -> disney
remove implication donald_duck -> disney
remove implication daisy_duck -> disney
remove implication goofy_(disney) disney
remove implication pluto_(disney) -> disney
create alias mickey_mouse_and_friends -> mickey_and_friends
create alias mickey_&_friends -> mickey_and_friends
create alias mickey_mouse_&_friends -> mickey_and_friends
create alias mickey_and_the_gang -> mickey_and_friends
create alias mickey_&_the_gang -> mickey_and_friends
create alias mickey_mouse_universe -> mickey_and_friends
create alias mickey_mouse_(franchise) -> mickey_and_friends
create alias sensational_six_(disney) -> disney's_sensational_six
create alias disneys_sensational_six -> disney's_sensational_six

Here are my handful of contributions!

topic #36912 - BUR for [looking_down_at_...] tags
topic #45842 - disambiguating tanks (approve BUR before the disambiguation)
topic #44835 - [APPROVED] alias #71085 bike_helmet -> bike_helmet_(disambiguation)
topic #44830 - [APPROVED] alias #71084 bike_pump -> bicycle_pump
topic #44453 - [APPROVED] alias #70494 hands_on_belly -> hand_on_belly
topic #44359 - [APPROVED] alias #70382 croc -> crocodile
topic #44874 - BUR for consolidating an artist's tags
topic #44876 - [APPROVED] alias #71109 bulgefan -> croconut


BUR #8484 at topic #44423

Part 1 of artist_collaboration BUR was approved (2 months ago), {100% thumbs up with 5 votes}

so part 2 of artist_collaboration BUR is waiting for approval. {100% thumbs up with 3 votes}


BUR for fixing a issue causing anthros, ferals and other characters that do not have pointed humanoid ears from being erroneously and automatically tagged as such.

topic #45552 (2 parts)

i have absolutely no idea where to post this, i looked as hard as i could, but what is the "tag replacement" officially called? milking_machine_on_male has no reason to exist as it can just be split into "male" and "milking_machine". i know other oddly specific tags redirect like that.

oldfashionedhurgus said:
i have absolutely no idea where to post this, i looked as hard as i could, but what is the "tag replacement" officially called? milking_machine_on_male has no reason to exist as it can just be split into "male" and "milking_machine". i know other oddly specific tags redirect like that.

tag replacements would be aliases

but actually even better it can be aliased to penis_milking_machine.

According to the wiki page for translation_request it should be used generally for untranslated text, so would it be wise to add it to submissions tagged russian_text, spanish_text etc. that don't have a translated tag or notes?

gomvqxfp said:
According to the wiki page for translation_request it should be used generally for untranslated text, so would it be wise to add it to submissions tagged russian_text, spanish_text etc. that don't have a translated tag or notes?
